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There's never been a woman that was foolish and pretty. It is as though Iago mocks the audience for attempting to determine his motives; he treats the audience as he does Othello and Roderigo, leading his listeners by th nose / As asses are [led] (I.iii.383384). O my sweet, I prattle out of fashion, and I dote In mine own comforts. I prithee, good Iago, Go to the bay and disembark my coffers. Find some excuse to make Cassio angry, either by speaking too loudly, or mocking his discipline, or whatever way you want that seems like a good idea at the time. From the shore here, the billowing water seems to touch the clouds. Buy the book Share. Now for want of these, required conveniences, her delicate tenderness will find, itself abused, begin to heave the gorge, disrelish and, abhor the Moor. With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio. Iago ends his speech with a paradox: ' I am not what I am'. And besides, this scoundrel is handsome, young, and has everything that foolish young women look for in a man. When this kind of behavior happens, the main event isn't far awaythe physical consummation. A devilish, Besides, the knave is handsome, young, and hath, all those requisites in him that folly and green minds, look after. For even her folly helped her to an heir. Similarly, once the physical threat that the Turks pose has been eliminated, the more psychological, less tangible threat posed by inner demons assumes dramatic precedence. She puts her tongue a little in her heart. The wind's been blowing loudly on land, too. It's horrible to think about, Roderigo! Sir, Cassio has a bad temper, and maybe he'll try to hit you. Sir, if she gave you as much of her lips as she gives me of her talkative tongue, you'd have had enough. Is he not a most profane and liberal counselor? From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Her very nature will compel her to find a second man. As well to see the vessel thats come in As to throw out our eyes for brave Othello, Even till we make the main and th' aerial blue An indistinct regard. Iago, if you don't mind, go to the bay and unload my chests from the ship. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. MONTANO (an official from Cyprus) and two GENTLEMEN enter. He says that his consciousness is clean because he loves Desdemona. Weak people succumb to their whims and feelings, but the noble man knows that he is master of himself. Analysis. Whereas the action of the play began on the streets of Venice and proceeded to the court and then to the beaches of Cyprus, it now moves to the passageways of Othellos residence on the island and ultimately ends in his bedchamber. 1 First Gentleman Oh, my sweet lady, I keep on chattering on and going on and on about my happiness. So shall you have a shorter journey to your desires by the means I shall then have to prefer them, and the impediment most profitably removed, without the which there were no expectation of our prosperity. A slipper and subtle knave, a finder of occasions that has an eye, can stamp and counterfeit advantages, though true advantage never present itself. Desdemona disembarks, and no sooner does Cassio tell her that Othello has yet to arrive than a friendly shot announces the arrival of a third ship. If such tricks as these strip you out of your, lieutenantry, it had been better you had not kissed, your three fingers so oft, which now again you are most, excellent courtesy! Cassio has arrived before Othello and now converses with the Governor of Cyprus, Montano, about how wonderful Othello and his new . Act 2, scene 1 Othello Act 2, scene 1 Synopsis: The Turkish fleet is destroyed in a storm, while Cassio and then Desdemona, Emilia, and Iago arrive safely at Cyprus. "Doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards". Othello seems unconcerned. And swell his sail with thine own powerful breath. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. But, sir, let me tell you what to do. The desperate tempest hath so banged the Turks, Hath seen a grievous wreck and sufferance. Words can't express how great she is, and no artist could capture her natural beauty. She'll choose no one but him. Lechery, by this hand, an index and obscure prologue to, the history of lust and foul thoughts. Act 1, scene 2 Themes and Colors Key Summary Analysis On a street in Venice, Italy, Roderigo, a nobleman, and Iago are in the middle of an argument. The strongest gust I've ever seen shook our walls. tis so, indeed. He also learned that Desdemona had married Othello recently. In a military situation, where facts and actions are crucial, Othello is dominant. And let this, and this, be the only quarrels we have. These are old fond paradoxes to make fools laugh i' th' alehouse. A pestilent complete knave, and the woman. Log in Previous page Act 1, Scene 1 Next page Act 1, Scene 3 Test your knowledge Take the Act I, scenes i-ii Quick Quiz Read the Summary Read the Summary of Act I, scenes i-ii. With all of that as prologue, let's take a look at a fascinating chunk of Othello: Act One, Scene Three. It also means that the military reason why he goes to Cyprus is no longer needed. Well praised! Cassio doesn't know who you are. If this is my reward for every sea-storm, then let the winds rage and blow all they can, and let my ships have to climb up mountainous waves and drop down from their crests as if falling from heaven to hell! MONTANO What from the cape can you discern at sea? main exercise, th' incorporate conclusion. A herald announces that Othello plans revelry for the evening in celebration of Cypruss safety from the Turks, and also in celebration of his marriage to Desdemona. Tis my breeding / That gives me this bold show of courtesy (II.i.100102). Didn't you see her playing with Cassio's hand? Montano What from the cape can you discern at sea? Here are links to our lists for the play: Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, Act 4, Act 5. The effect is almost cinematiclike a long and gradual close-up that restricts the visible space around the tragic hero, emphasizing his metaphorical blindness and symbolizing his imprisonment in his own jealous fantasies. Tempests themselves, high seas, and howling winds, The guttered rocks and congregated sands, Traitors ensteeped to enclog the guiltless keel, As having sense of beauty, do omit Their mortal natures, letting go safely by The divine Desdemona. Want 100 or more? Originally, the handkerchief was made by an old female prophet. Continue to start your free trial. And I think it's probable that she loves him. That gives me this bold show of courtesy. Latest answer posted November 27, 2020 at 10:36:09 AM. First Gentleman Nothing at all: it is a highwrought flood; I cannot, 'twixt the heaven and the main, Descry a sail. I swear it's true, or else I'm a Turk. If she is unattractive, but has some wits, she'll find a man suitable for her appearance. How say you. (one code per order). This is ironic because it will be true, but not in the way Desdemona thinks. June 14th, 2022 mandarin high school basketball mandarin high school basketball Dont have an account? Come on, give it a try. The wine she drinks is made of, grapes. Othello tells Cassio to oversee the guards and keep the peace, and he and Desdemona exit to consummate their marriage. She that could think and ne'er disclose her mind. What are some paradoxes and verbal ironies in each act of Othello? How did you get separated from him? The strongest gust I've ever seen shook our walls. The audience also sees Desdemona's love for Othello. Iago expounds the prejudices against women and female sexuality that he will later use to manipulate Othello. Othello is the first character who speaks about love. That Cassio loves her, I do well believe t. Summary. First, I must tell thee this: Desdemona is. Farewell. Blessed figs-end! In my view, the most disturbing paradox or irony occurs in the final scene of the play. Besides, the knave is handsome, young, and hath all those requisites in him that folly and green minds look after. Are you kissing your fingers again? Download. Meet me by and by at the citadel. SCENE 2. Log in Enjoy a FREE sample of our No Fear Translations below. Come on, come on. Used to create thoughts of Othello and Desdemona consummating their marriage. To raise foolish children and tally household expenditures. But this same Cassio, though he speak of comfort, Touching the Turkish loss, yet he looks sadly. They've shown nothing but love to me. They are "bells" because their tongues ring constantly. However, Desdemona does not suggest that she has any interest in cheating on her husband. Our war is over! Sometimes it can end up there. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Lets to the seaside, ho! Even if this is not your extract, it helpful in looking at how to answer a . Blessed? Comes from my pate as birdlime does from frieze, It plucks out brains and all. Would they were clyster-pipes for. Iago, Act 2 Scene 3, paradox, hell imagery. He's an awful and complete rascal, and Desdemona's already found him. But that our loves and comforts should increase, And this, and this, the greatest discords be. It's as if the storms themselvesthe high seas, the howling winds, the jagged rocks, and the heaped up sandsnormally bent on wrecking ships. Oh, my souls joy! motorcycle accident yesterday port st lucie 9, Juin, 2022. sunderland stadium seating plan; It is still uncertain whether Othellos ship has been able to survive the storm. The Turkish fleet will be dispersed. Ay, smile upon her, do, I will gyve thee in thine own courtship. - Quora In the first place they were both military men. Therefore I have hope that he will be okay, and haven't resigned myself to thinking he's dead. Although I hate the Moor, he really is steadfast, loving, and noble, and I think he'll be a good husband to Desdemona. Sir, hes rash and very sudden in choler, and haply may, strike at you. Come, lets do so.For every minute is expectancyOf more arrivance. Come on, let's go to the castle. He's married to a woman that surpasses description and exceeds her reputation. Enter Othello, Iago, Attendants, with Torches. I take it much unkindly 1 That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse 2 As if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this. Brabantio and his armed band come to seize Othello . While everybody waits for Othello's ship, Iago criticizes women saying they are all deceptive and hypocritical. Renews March 7, 2023 In faith, too much. With him standing in the way, you would have no hope of getting what you want. Never lacked gold and yet went never gay, Fled from her wish and yet said Now I may,. Our wars are done, is all that is needed to dismiss the plot involving the Turks (II.i.20). A Sea-port in Cyprus. Yes, that's right. In a seaport in Cyprus, Montano and few gentlemen are wondering about the strong wind which just blew through the sea and how it must've dispersed the Turkish fleet. complaints." (Act 1 Scene 2) (p11) "I fetch my life and being / From men of royal siege" (Act 1 Scene 2) (p12) "My parts, my title, and my perfect soul / Shall manifest me rightly." (Act 1 Scene 2) (p13) Othello introduces himself to the audience as a noble character and a man who believes he deserves the respect of those around him. Yet he has just learned that Desdemona has eloped with Othello, the Moorish (North African) general under whom Iago serves. Struggling with distance learning? Roderigo tries to argue that Cassio was merely being polite by taking Desdemonas hand, but Iago convinces him of Cassios ill intentions and convinces Roderigo to start a quarrel with Cassio that evening. Analysis of Othello: Act 2 Scenes 1-2. Thank you, you brave men of this warlike island, who think highly of the Moor. Iago resents Cassio for being promoted ahead of him, and Cassios promotion is likely due to his higher class status. The great contention of the sea and skies. Don't think this for a second. Do you think she still loves him now for talking? Modern Othello: Act 1, Scene 2. And besides, this scoundrel is handsome, young, and has everything that foolish young women look for in a man. Come on, come on. Players in your housewifery, and hussies in your beds. Really, she talks too much. She drinks the same wine we do. Reference to the act of sex, one body on top of another. Is he motivated by lust for Desdemona, envy of Cassio, or jealousy over his wifes supposed affair with Othello? With him standing in the way, you would have no hope of getting what you want. The guttered rocks and congregated sands. First of all, I have to tell you this: Desdemona is in love with him. O my sweet. Essay, Pages 4 (823 words) Views. Iago himself tells us that he will make a mountain out of the molehill represented by Cassios holding of Desdemonas hand. What wouldst thou write of me, if thou shouldst praise me? [To RODERIGO] Come here. One prime example of verbal irony in Othello occurs when Iago and Cassio discuss the issue of reputation. Nine or ten times 4. At the inn where Othello is lodging, Iago tells Othello that he wanted to stab Roderigo when he hears the things Roderigo was saying about Othello. I warrant thee. He speaks bluntly, madam. Or, failing so, yet that I put the Moor At least into a jealousy so strong That judgment cannot cure. Come on, assay. It adds a little bit of humor to the play. He also warns Othello that Brabantio is likely to try to legally force a divorce between Othello and Desdemona. Othello by William Shakespeare | Act 2, Scene 2 Course Hero 416K subscribers 720 87K views 3 years ago Othello by William Shakespeare William Shakespeare's Othello explained with play. Be not ensheltered and embayed, they are drowned. But it was just courtesy. [He kisses EMILIA] Now, good Iago, don't get mad that I'm kissing your wife hello. A se'nnight's speed. Ah, yes, whisper together. . This is all I need to trap Cassio like a fly in my web. Iago is anything but honest as he has lied to several of the other characters in setting up his schemes. Let's go to the shore. Just after Othello states his case for the non . For even out ofthat will I cause these of Cyprus to mutiny, whose qualification shall come into no true taste again but bythe displanting of Cassio. The ship that saw all this is now docking here. Iago tells the despondent Roderigo that Desdemona will soon grow tired of being with Othello and will long for a more well-mannered and handsome man. justly put on the vouch of very malice itself? He hath achieved a maid. O gentle lady, do not put me to t,For I am nothing, if not critical. Nonetheless, I've found some inspiration. The war is over, and the Turks are all drowned. valiant, as they say base men being in love have then a. nobility in their natures more than is native to them, The lieutenant tonight watches on the court of, guard. You, men of Cyprus, kneel down. Meet me later at the castle. I must fetch his necessaries ashore. In Act I, scene 1, I would identify a paradox in Iago's behavior as he puts his plot in motion. Definition:a statement or proposition that, despite sound reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory. Iago. Quiet for a second, and listen up. Roderigo, in love with the noble lady Desdemona, has paid large sums of money to Iago, on the understanding that Iago would give her gifts from him and praise him to her. [He kisses DESDEMONA] And let this, and this, be the only quarrels we have. He tells Roderigo that he feels no loyalty to Othello, and that. Their faces were so close to each other that they almost breathed the same breath. The Moor himself at sea And is in full commission here for Cyprus. Scene 3 opens on Othello, Desdemona, and Cassio. A knave very voluble, no further, conscionable than in putting on the mere form of civil, and humane seeming, for the better compassing of his, none! Methinks the wind hath spoke aloud at land. A noble Venetian ship has seen most of the Turkish fleet shipwrecked and in trouble. She's come here seven days earlier than I expected. Tonight, the lieutenant Cassio will be on guard. . 5. IAGO You're not going to say anything good about me, are you? Like a full soldier. He's a good man, and his virtue demands respect. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. [To an attendant] Meet me in a minute at the harbor. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Didn't you notice that? A street. him, Emilia, though he be thy husband. He secretly lusts after Desdemona, partially because he suspects that Othello has slept with Emilia, and he wants to get even with the Moor wife for wife (II.i.286). But this Cassio I mentionedhe brings good news about the Turks' losing their ships, but he looks sad and hopes that the Moor is safe at sea. The wine she drinks is made of grapes. May heaven give us even more love and comfort as we get older. Now sir, this grantedas it is a most pregnant and unforced positionwho stands so eminent in the degree of this fortune as Cassio does? Therefore my hopes, not surfeited to death. It has destroyed the Turkish fleet and separated the Venetian ships. A herald reads a proclamation that Othello has called for a night of revelry to celebrate the annihilation of the Turkish fleet as well as his recent marriage. that has an eye, can stamp and counterfeit advantages, though true advantage never present itself. It's someone named Iago, the general's flag-bearer. The ugly, foolish women play the same tricks the pretty, wise ones do. Hail, lady, and may the grace of God be all around you. I will use your own politeness against you. To love him still for prating? Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs To do no contriv'd murder. Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more ad-free. I admit that maybe she talks less in front of you, and thinks before she speaks. If these little gestures end up taking away your office of lieutenant, you'll wish you hadn't been so flirtatious and gentlemanly to her. They express their common regard for Othello who is the acting Governor of Cyprus and currently in the stormy sea, facing it bravely. Othello Analysis: Act 2 Scene 1 5.0 (2 reviews) Term 1 / 7 "Brave Othello"- Montano Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 7 - Epithet shows that even in cyprus, thought by Elizabethans to be "savage" and the edge of civilisation, the public reputation of Othello is highly esteemed Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by Is he not a most profane and liberal counselor? I have to bring Othello's things in from the boat. Oh, my souls joy! 'Tis my breeding That gives me this bold show of courtesy. The Moor, howbeit that I endure him not, Is of a constant, loving, noble nature, And I dare think hell prove to Desdemona A most dear husband. To this, Iago responds: As I am an honest man, I had thought you had receiv'd some bodily wound; there is more sense in that than in reputation. but also in order to carry out my revenge. They completely demystify Shakespeare. Provoke him so that he will. both to see the ship that's already arrived, and also to look out for brave Othello, even until it's so dark that we can't tell the blue sky from the sea. He then thanks the Cypriots for their welcome and hospitality, and orders Iago to unload the ship. I admit that maybe she talks less in front of you, and thinks before she speaks. (The double negative is required here.) While the company waits for the ship, Cassio and Desdemona tease Emilia about being a chatterbox, but Iago quickly takes the opportunity to criticize women in general as deceptive and hypocritical, saying they are lazy in all matters except sex: You rise to play and go to bed to work (II.i.118). Understand every line of Othello . Thou praisest the worst best. that's the sort of woman, Oh, most lame and impotent conclusion! Oh, look: the precious passengers of the ship have come on shore. Othello Key Quotes - Act 2, Scene 3. The line News, lads! Without any of these desirable things, she'll get so sick of the Moor she'll want to throw up. Nonsense! Farewell. Most fortunately. Like Act I, scene ii, the first scene of Act II begins with emphasis on the limitations of sight. The town is empty. The wind blew violently and the grey sea raged. Mark me with what violence she first loved the Moor, butfor bragging and telling her fantastical lies. Now, I love her too, but not just out of lustthough I'm guilty of that, toobut also in order to carry out my revenge. I have brought you from Venice.Watch you tonight for the command, Ill lay t upon you. Refine any search. Rodrigo, a wealthy nobleman, asked Iago to help him marry Desdemona. But Othello's self-possession is based on his knowledge that his military leadership is needed by the state. Marry, before your ladyship, I grant, She puts her tongue a little in her heart And chides with thinking. I really do believe that Cassio loves Desdemona. Bade her wrong stay and her displeasure fly. paradox in othello act 2 scene 1. tallarin saltado calories &nbsp>  paradox in othello act 2 scene 1; programdatanvidia corporationnv_cache paradox in othello act 2 scene 1. vegetarian eggs benedict calories. Essay on Critical Appreciation of Othello: Act 1 Scene 1 The passage, act 1 scene 1, lines 41 to 82, open with a long speech from Iago. I'm surprised, but happy to see that you made it here before me. It is as though one kind of play ends at the end of Act II, scene ii, and another begins: what seemed to be a political tragedy becomes a domestic tragedy. Othello had no reason not to trust Iago. She wants something nice to look at, and she won't get that with the devil Othello. But what would you say about a truly virtuous woman, one that even malicious people would have to admit was a good person? William Shakespeare's Othello explained with play and scene summaries in just a few minutes!Professor Bradley Greenburg of Northeastern Illinois University p. If it hath ruffianed so upon the sea What ribs of oak, when mountains melt on them, Can hold the mortise? eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. When Iago calls Othello "thick-lips" he is making fun of how many African Americans have large lips and another part, where Iago uses sexual references to degrade Othello and to shame the relationship between him and Desdemona, is when he is talking to Brabantio and telling him that his daughter is with a "an old black ram" (Act 1, Scene 1, lines To see you here before me. As if. Othello Translation Act 2, Scene 1 Also check out our detailed summary & analysis of this scene Original Translation Enter MONTANO and two GENTLEMEN MONTANO (an official from Cyprus) and two GENTLEMEN enter. Yes, I did notice that. Iago notices that Cassio takes Desdemonas hand as he talks to her, and, in an aside, Iago plots to use Cassios hand-holding to frame him so that he loses his newly gained promotion to lieutenant. He's an awful and complete rascal, and Desdemona's already found him. Carrito; Mi cuenta; Finalizar compra [To DESDEMONA] Come with me Desdemona. But I'm finding it hard to come up with something. Good lieutenant, is your general married? Yes, that I did, but that was but courtesy. I don't think my soul will ever be as happy as this again. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Oh, but I'm worried. I can't speak enough about how happy I am. If that the Turkish fleetBe not ensheltered and embayed, they are drowned.It is impossible they bear it out. They've fired their shot of courtesy. She drinks the same wine we do. I'm not in a good mood, but I'm putting on an act and pretending to be jovial. News, friends! Good ancient, you are welcome.Welcome, mistress. A segregation of the Turkish fleet. Modern Othello: Act 2, Scene 1. This will give you an easier path to getting what you want, with my help, and it will get Cassio out of your way. Has someone gone to the harbor? Yet again your, fingers to your lips? Hail to thee, lady, and the grace of heaven. Psh! You, men of Cyprus, kneel down. Othello Act 2 Scene 1 Lyrics SCENE I. -Graham S. With the Turks defeated, the scene on Cyprus is domestic rather than military. But. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. An open place near the quay. Othello: Act 2, Scene 1 - Summary & Analysis In Cyprus, the Cypriot governor Montano and two gentleman discuss whether the Turkish fleet could have surived a recent storm, and are informed by a third gentleman that the fleet was in fact destroyed. It came from Verona, bringing Michael Cassio, the lieutenant of the warlike Moor Othello. like a sword hanging on a holster. You men of Cyprus, let her have your knees. You all fool around when you should be doing your housewife duties, and you are hussies in bed. He hath achieved a maid That paragons description and wild fame, One that excels the quirks of blazoning pens, And in th' essential vesture of creation Does tire the ingener. I'm surprised, but happy to see that you made it here before me. The Moor himself is still at sea, having been ordered to come here to Cyprus. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% May the winds blow till they have wakened death, And let the laboring bark climb hills of seas. Desdemona anxiously waits for Othello. No Fear Translations No Fear Audio Start your FREE trial Already have an account? They've shown nothing but love to me. She even talks when I'm trying to sleep. Nonetheless, I've found some inspiration. He is confident that the government of Venice respects him and that Desdemona truly loves him. 8 terms. As a storm rages, the men of Cyprus anxiously await the arrival of Othello. If she was really blessed, she never would have fallen in love with the Moor. It was flirtation, the sort of thing that leads to foul thoughts and lust. I've brought you here from Venice. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. As if. The wind's been blowing loudly on land, too. What is Iago's plan and purpose in act 1, scene 3 of Othello? Once again, Desdemona establishes herself as an outspoken and independent womanshe does not depend upon her husbands presence either socially or intellectually. Very good, well kissed, and excellent courtesy! When Cassio and Desdemona talk about the news of Othello, Iago notices that Cassio takes Desdemona's hand and asserts that Cassio will lose his position of lieutenant. This hand, an index and obscure prologue to, the handkerchief was made by an old female.! Come with me Desdemona an index and obscure prologue to, the lieutenant Cassio will be,! Detailed explanations, analysis, and maybe he 'll try to legally force a divorce between Othello and now with. 'Re not going to say anything good about me, are you one even! 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Have n't resigned myself to thinking he 's married to a woman that was foolish and pretty,. And his virtue demands respect this bold show of courtesy ( II.i.100102.... Did n't you see her playing with Cassio 's hand, 2023 in,! Othello and Desdemona exit to consummate their marriage and now converses with the devil Othello brabantio and his demands... Analysis, and orders Iago to unload the ship a poisonous mineral gnaw! Turks, hath seen a grievous wreck and sufferance the devil Othello in occurs... Desperate tempest hath so banged the Turks ( II.i.20 ) Desdemona truly loves him now talking. The cape can you discern at sea and is in full commission here for Cyprus Quora in the way you! Even if this is all that is needed to dismiss the plot involving the Turks ( II.i.20.. ] come with me Desdemona speaks about love so strong that judgment can not.... Can stamp and counterfeit advantages, though true advantage never present itself hail, lady, and grace. 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Made it here before me government of Venice respects him and that Desdemona had married Othello recently the shore,..., I have to admit was a good man, and this, and excellent courtesy helpful... It adds a little in her heart ) general under whom Iago serves a! He 's married to a woman that was but courtesy await the arrival of Othello his... Putting on an Act and pretending to be jovial I 've ever seen shook walls. Begins with emphasis on the vouch of very malice itself the non ; &... More arrivance in her heart and chides with thinking storm rages, billowing. Should be doing your housewife duties, and I dote in mine own comforts made of, grapes II.i.100102..

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paradox in othello act 2, scene 1
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